Sunday Service at 10.30am 

A blend of both ancient and modern, catholic in style with sung Eucharist (Holy Communion). Children’s area with activities. Coffee, Tea and Cake after the service.

First Sunday All Age Eucharist, monthly at 10.30am

Once a month on the first Sunday of the month we meet for an interactive Holy Communion with songs, story and talk. Whether you like to wriggle or prefer to sit still – this is a place for all. We follow this worship with a bring and share community meal – all welcome. Let’s create community together.

All Age Church, 3rd Sunday of month at 2.30pm

Games, craft, bible story, fun and food – we move around and use different parts of the church to explore a topic each month.

Seeking Stillness, every Thursday, 8pm

A time of stillness, quiet, reflection, prayers. Following simple celtic prayers, we read scripture and then sit for a time of contemplative silence and meditation.

Seeking Scripture, every Thursday 8.45pm-9.30pm

For those that wish, after Seeking Stillness, some people stay to be curious, ask, wonder and explore what the next Sunday Service bible reading may be unfolding for us. No prior knowledge of the bible is necessary. For beginners and experts alike, we use our lives as a way to ask: what is this week’s Scripture saying to us?

Festivals and Special Services

We like to mark important days, these include: Harvest, Remembrance, All Saints, All Souls (a service
to remember those who have died), St Andrew’s Patronal, Christmas (Carols, Midnight Mass and
Christmas Day), Epiphany, Candlemas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost.

We also sing Happy Birthday at the end of our Sunday Service to anyone who has given us the date of their birthday (it’s certainly not obligatory – we just love any excuse for a party!).

St Andrews N16 Service
St Andrews N16 Service